Archive for September, 2004

Helena & Tom

Helena & Tom

Helena & Tom came round for dinner. Here we’re looking at Helena’s holiday snaps.

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Eve & Annemari

Eve & Annemari

We’re in William K, a pub in our local Kallio district, celebrating Annemari’s move to Helsinki.

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Hakaniemi by night

Hakaniemi by night

On the way home from the board games evening, just after midnight. Hakaniemi’s bright neon lights have never looked so pretty…

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La Cita

La Cita

Scott & Séverine playing La Cita.

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Circus Maximus

Circus Maximus

Michael explains (and explains…) this rather complex game to Iris.

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Marko’s birthday

Marko's birthday

Today it’s Marko’s turn to have a surprise birthday party, at Zetor, a Finnish-themed restaurant in central Helsinki.

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beers at Marian Helmi

beers at Marian Helmi

A big gang of us gathered at a pub in Kruununhaka.

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Twilight Samurai

Eve & I watched a very good DVD yesterday evening: Twilight Samurai. It’s set in 19th-century Japan and is about a poor samurai. Eve loved the sense of the place and culture, and the wonderful scenery. For me, the best part was the portrayal of the main character, a man much more caring and down-to-earth than the samurai we normally see in films.

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Board Games Evening

Yesterday evening we had our semi-regular board games evening, this time at our flat. Unfortunately, I was having so much fun I forgot to take any pictures :(.

Amongst the games we played were Six Nimmt!, Robo Rally, Finstere Flure and Spank the Monkey. (The last is a really poor choice of name for a very decent game, where the players built towers in a scrapyard and try to catch a monkey). My favourite was again Robo Rally – it’s a shame it’s no longer available (and horribly expensive on eBay).

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Surprise birthday party

Eve arranged for me a surprise birthday party after Mobile Monday 🙂image149.jpg

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